Friday, April 4, 2008

Global warming in Australia - Nature conservation problem

Global warming is affecting all continents and Australia isn't excluded. Temperatures over Australia are estimated to rise by about 1 ºC by 2030, and 1.8 ºC by 2070, compared to levels in 1990's.

Dr. Michael Dunlop said in new report, "Implications of Climate Change for the National Reserve System" how "climate change is forcing environmental scientists to rethink their approach to a nature conservation that has focused on preventing change or restoring landscapes toward a pre-European state, as climate changes have become inevitable".

According to this report 9000 protected areas in Australia are already critical for nature conservation because of global warming and because of this some animals and plants will find their habitats in places where they’ve never been seen before, and others will disappear from areas where they used to live, and for many regions the look, sound, and smell of the landscapes we are familiar with will gradually change.

Dr. Dunlop also stated that if we want to have any chance in preserving current ecosystems we need to protect as many habitats as possible, especially larger areas of habitat and areas that have long history in providing a shelter for biodiversity during times of climate change. Invasive species will also present big problem as well as many new exotic weeds and pests that will benefit from changing climates.

Fight against global warming will be difficult one, especially since this a global problem that includes whole world, and one individual action won't be sufficient. However many individual actions joined into one global action should stand a decent chance, but unfortunately we are still talking more about individual efforts than acting globally. And that has to change, and real fast. Even hope doesn't last for eternity.

Global warming - Great threat to Australian nature conservation efforts

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