Sunday, June 13, 2010

Winters will continue to be cold and snowy

This year's winter was very cold and very snowy for much of the Europe and United States, and by the current looks of it this will not be an exception as some thought it will be but rather a rule for years to come. This is because of warmer Arctic climate that is influencing the air pressure at the North Pole and shifting wind patterns on our planet.

Dr James Overland of the NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory in the United States recently said that "while the emerging impact of greenhouse gases is an important factor in the changing Arctic, what was not fully recognized until now is that a combination of an unusual warm period due to natural variability, loss of sea ice reflectivity, ocean heat storage and changing wind patterns working together has disrupted the memory and stability of the Arctic climate system, resulting in greater ice loss than earlier climate models predicted."

He also added that the exceptional cold and snowy winter of 2009-2010 in Europe, eastern Asia and eastern North America is connected to unique physical processes in the Arctic, and that these cold and snowy winters will become a rule and not an exception.

Many climate change scientists agree that these changes at Arctic are irreversible, and that the worst is still to come. Current indicators say that the Arctic is warming more than twice as fast as the rest of the planet. If we look at this current trend of ice loss at Arctic, it is unlikely that the Arctic can return to its previous condition.

Cold, snowy winters will be rule, and not an exception for much of the Europe and United States in years to come.

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